Mystery Babylon: The World According to Bill Cooper

“The Hour of the Time” Radio Program

***While I am not in the business of disclaimers, as I respect my humble reading audience enough to presume that they understand that great rarity of our age, nuance (the devil is in the details!), I’d like to say something. I am not Bill Cooper, and his views are not my views. This little narrative is paraphrased from forty-three hours of audio, the information in which, given the medium and the context of the broadcasts, is rarely cited. At no point should any claim in this narrative be taken as a claim to fact made by me, nor should it be construed as either a promotion, mockery, or rejection of the work of Milton William Cooper, who is dead and thus cannot defend himself. It is only to be viewed as what I have taken away and distilled from forty-three hours of broadcasts. If you find that I have been too forgiving of Mr. Cooper, then I welcome your feedback and criticism. If I have in any way offended or misrepresented his memory or legacy, may he come back to haunt me. After all, it is Halloween.***

Scarce are the stories befitting of a night like Halloween that would beat one from the mouth of Bill Cooper, who is often thought of by fans and detractors alike as “the granddaddy of conspiracy theorists.” Not necessarily aligning myself with either of these camps, I can appreciate the value (and entertainment) of his work, while eagerly admitting to any flaws in his research. But tonight, I’m not writing to get into the specifics of his work; I’m not frantically typing to produce a point-by-point critique or defense of his analysis in time for the upcoming anti-holy day.

Instead, I want to tell a story. It is a story that Bill himself told over forty-three hour long radio broadcasts on his show The Hour of the Time in 1993. It is the story of a worldview. Cooper, a Christian, called the epic series “Mystery Babylon,” taking the name from Revelations 17:3-6, which describes an end-times beast and the cruel spirit of deception and evil riding upon it:

I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

Naturally, this force of apocalyptic evil was (and is) associated with the Devil – the true “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and the perceived fact of demonic influence removed any possibility of world events as “coincidence” in Cooper’s mind.

In this series, the worldview in question is distilled and presented to his audience. In fact, it’s not his worldview at all, but his conclusions on the worldview of the ancient and modern adepts of what he dubs the “Mystery Schools”: The hidden masters of us all. It is their version of history, he says. It is what they believe; their truth, that they want to keep hidden from the profane masses, he says. Throughout the series he makes clear that these stories are not his personal beliefs, regularly and frankly referring to them – plainly and simply – as “bullshit.” Yet, ever the believer in the adage “know thine enemy,” – he felt it necessary to explain this sensational, subversive, Satanic, “bullshit” worldview to his audience for forty-three hours. It is the worldview I’d like to now share with you, on this night of ghosts, goblins, and devils.

Mystery Babylon

The teachings of the Mysteries begin with man before he was man, for the adepts do not believe that man was created as he is by God but that he evolved, and was once a lower being. Pre-man lived in confused fear and bliss, drinking at watering holes with the other beasts and living in caves at night. The darkness was of course feared by these creatures, for in it lurked all potential danger. Only with the coming of the warm light of morning could pre-man hope to feel secure.

Eventually, by way of what is called “the generative force” (the penis, i.e. reproduction; symbolized in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey as a black monolith and by the Egyptians as an obelisk), pre-man began to change. As a result of this evolution, it occurred to one of these creatures that he could use tools, and, as was depicted in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001, these tools could be used to kill. Thus, with the advent of knowledge, man fell from grace, before he was even man.

Many generations passed, and progress marched on; the Dawn of Man came and went. These men, realized in their natures and imbued with knowledge, built the old empires of Babylon and Egypt, where they revered that divine force that supplied them with this wisdom. In these ancient societies the Mysteries began; while the masses worshiped the sun as a god for seemingly practical purposes (light, warmth, productive crops, etc.), the adepts understood that the sun was only a representative of the divine force of the universe: A mere symbol of the Bringer of the Light. In Egypt, the stories of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, and the evil Set (called by the Greeks Typhon), were understood by the learned few to symbolize the origins and development of human consciousness. This secret knowledge of human origins as well as of the course of evolution has been transmitted by the Mystery Schools from the adepts of old right down to the adepts of our own day. The fantastic Egyptian obelisks and pyramids symbolized this knowledge of the generative and divine forces, and the Sphinx represented man’s simultaneous existence as both animal and something more.

The Greek Pythagoras sojourned to Egypt and was taught the secret knowledge, and only then become renowned in Greece and across the known world as one who understood universal patterns (mathematics and geometry). Later, the great Plato was initiated after spending three days and three nights in an Egyptian sarcophagus (presumably amongst other rites), and learned the truth of man’s past, and thus what was to be man’s future; the fulfillment of which was referred to by the adepts as the “Great Work of All Ages.” Plato, student of the old master Socrates, was the first to articulate the intent of the Great Work in his Republic, which describes the ideal state of the common man as being quietly ruled by a small guardian class composed exclusively of philosophers, who understand the true nature of reality. In such a perfect system – the inevitable conclusion of the evolution which had first brought man wisdom, and which would continue to progress until man reached divinity – birth, life, and social conduct would be carefully controlled by those alone who were “fit to rule.”

The mysteries were passed down through history by way of covert societies which relied on hidden codes and secret techniques of identification, all committed to the fulfillment of the “Great Work of All Ages.” In the Middle East as well as Medieval Europe, the continuation of the Mysteries fell to the (outwardly) Islamic Assassin Order and, primarily, the (outwardly) Christian Order of the Knights Templar. The Templars – sacred guardians of the biblical Temple of Solomon in the Holy Land – maintained the esoteric and geometric secrets of Hiram Abiff, the master-builder of that temple. When the jealous King Philip the Fair of France, along with the equally jealous pope, turned on the Templars on Friday, the 13th of October, 1307, the Order scattered, and desperately sought sanctuary in the far reaches of Europe. They found it primarily in Scotland.

Over time, the Templars transformed into what we now know as the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons: The Freemasons; whose primary figure of reverence was and is Hiram Abiff. The Masons would carry in their rituals, then and to this day, the secrets of Hiram Abiff and the Mysteries that he knew. It is no surprise that, in the era of global imperialism (world government) that came in the 18th and 19th centuries, Freemasonry found itself at the helm of that great “ship of state.”

During the Renaissance, the esoteric traditions of the Mystery Schools were continued by such men as Sir Francis Bacon (who authored a utopian work on the so-called “New World” entitled The New Atlantis), Thomas More (author of the classic Utopia), Giodano Bruno (a Hermeticist and Neo-Platonist who suggested the existence of other solar systems), and Leonardo da Vinci (Grand Master of the Mystery School outlet known as the Priory de Sion).

In 1776, a Jesuit priest in what is now Germany named Adam Weishaupt – a Freemason – developed an offshoot group known as the Illuminati. The name means “the enlightened ones,” and it comes as no surprise that the historical period in which the Illuminati (and, incidentally, the United States) arose is now categorized as “The Enlightenment.” For it has always been the aim of Mystery Babylon, since the days of ancient Egypt, to guide the evolution of man to a state of perfection and, indeed, godhood. The realization of this divine concrescence could only be manifested in the form of a totalitarian, world, socialist government, in which the adepts – those alone fit to rule – guide the passive masses along the inevitable course of evolution. For not all men are eligible for godhood: Only those initiated into the tradition of true knowledge or “light” can achieve that mystic plane. This is because Mystery Babylon does not worship a god that created all men equally in his own image, but instead commits itself to the god that draws knowledge out of creation: The Light Bearer.

This agenda found itself in the American colonies of the British, and has ever since attempted to make that land the preceptor of the illumined, or, in Latin, Luciferian Great Work. Unfortunately for Mystery Babylon, men who had indeed been initiated in the rites of the Great Work rejected this plan and aimed to make the masses free, and did – but at the cost of eternal vigilance against those who would make them slaves to the elder plot for a “New World Order.”

Mystery Babylon lives to this day, and each day tries with all its might to bring the masses under its control, that they might guide and control the destiny of human evolution. And while in theory this Utopia, the “Great Work of All Ages” – the supreme Luciferian plot to bring “light” to all who seek it – may seem noble on its face, it showed its true colors when allowed to be made manifest in the 1930’s and 40’s, in the land of Weishaupt: Germany.

The Nazis arose from the Mystery tradition: They were born out of the esoteric Thule Society, and were financially and philosophically backed by the agents of Mystery Babylon in America and Britain. They instituted all the conditions of the New World Order: Eugenics, totalitiarianism, socialism, and the deification of the state and its leader. But instead of producing a great Utopia for all men to live peacefully under for a thousand years, it brought only death, deception, decay, and destruction.

But still, Mystery Babylon marches ever onward, despite the lessons of history. And still men fawn helplessly to the state that it might fix their lives and save the world, feeding the beast that, if they only knew, they would curse and slay. But as Bill Cooper says in the introduction to Hour 6 of his series, and repeats many times over:

“A nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are steaks on the table and beasts of burden by choice and consent. Do you fit that description?”

Further Research:

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