The Age of Utopia

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Mystery Babylon: The World According to Bill Cooper

***While I am not in the business of disclaimers, as I respect my humble reading audience enough to presume that they understand that great rarity of our age, nuance (the devil is in the...

Tech-talitarianism and the Diffuse Panopticon Model

Totalitarianism is an authoritarian ideology, within which all power – individual and societal – is generated and held (or claimed to be) by a monolithic, all-encompassing state. A dictator or tyrant is a hallmark...

Totalitarianism: Six Key Concepts

Totalitarian/Totalist Ideology: There are multiple variants of totalitarian ideology, for example fascism and communism, Nazism and Stalinism. These systems have clear differences, though these are not fundamental differences but differences in application and detail....

The Importance of Myth: A Preface to Plato

All cultures that I am aware of are laden with myths. In his best-known work, the old philosopher Plato argued that the rulers of the ideal society would contrive myths to encourage perfect public...