Tagged: revolution

In Pursuit of Utopia #5: “Committee of Public Safety”

From https://schoolsucksproject.com/bonus-in-pursuit-of-utopia-episode-5-committee-of-public-safety/?fbclid=IwAR0alZAwz1H3GIXBNPOCXMVibxxOgca70OZciL_WMdrILZRTtbV7Ko1joc4: A lot of what you’re about to hear will sound oddly familiar… The French Revolutionaries began by addressing genuine grievances and demanding liberation from oppressive structures. They declared equal rights for all...

In Pursuit of Utopia #4: “Common Sense”

From https://schoolsucksproject.com/bonus-in-pursuit-of-utopia-episode-4-common-sense/: Today we take a look at the aims and ideals of the American and French revolutions as well as the results. How’d they go? France quickly descended into headlessness, and the USA...